Todd & Julie Mullins are the Senior Pastors of Christ Fellowship Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-site congregation that gathers over 14 locations in South Florida. Todd & Julie have been leading together for more than 3 decades and have helped hundreds of ministry couples learn what leading together looks like for them.
Leadership, ministry and marriage each come with their own unique set of challenges, but when combined it’s a recipe for either multiplied blessings or multiplied burdens. Todd & Julie will unpack the lessons they’ve learn and the mistakes they’ve made to help you maximize the potential that’s found when a couple leads together from a place of confidence and clarity.
This flywheel not only addresses the complexities of leading together, but will unpack what it takes to build and sustain a vibrant, life-giving culture in a multi-site church. We will also focus on how to get and fund a God-size vision that will inspire your team and move your church forward.
For Lead Pastors: Your journey begins with a powerful 3 day gathering in beautiful South Florida, February 11-13. Day one will be spent setting the stage for a year of growth and discovery. On February 12 and 13 you will experience Christ Fellowship Church Conference and a special Senior Pastor Experience that will strengthen your leadership and give you resources to lead your church. Monthly we will gather online for a virtual lab session with Todd and Julie where they will unpack 3 decades of ministry wisdom that will help you become a stronger, more effective leader.
The Problem:
Leading large churches in 2024 comes with more challenges than ever before. Is it possible for a couple who are both called and anointed to lead in the church without sacrificing their marriage or their family? Is it possible to maintain a heathy team culture as the church expands? The answer to these questions is an emphatic “YES”. It is possible but it’s not inevitable. As a couple leading together in ministry it is difficult to see the way forward with these challenges in your way:
With more than 30 years experience in hands-on leadership of a growing a dynamic church, Todd and Julie have the expertise, the authority and passion to help you learn how to lead together in a way that releases each of your gifting and calling. They can help you build a culture in your church that will release the full potential of the sons and daughters on your team. And through hands-on coaching, Todd and Julie will help you contextualize each lesson for your leadership and situation, helping you maximize your impact and potential. Todd and Julie will provide you with training, tools and resources for you and your team.